EuGH: Provider können nicht zu Filterung ihres Datenverkehrs zur Verhinderung illegaler Downloads gezwungen werden

Der EuGH hat heute im Fall Scar­let Extend­ed SA v Société belge des auteurs, com­pos­i­teurs et édi­teurs SCRL (SABAM)(Rs. C‑70/10) entsch­ieden, dass Inter­ne­tan­bi­eter (Provider) nicht zu ein­er inhaltlichen Fil­terung des Daten­verkehrs ihrer Net­ze gezwun­gen wer­den dür­fen, um ille­gale Down­loads zu ver­hin­dern. Eine solche Überwachung ver­stiesse gegen die EU-Richtlin­ie über den elek­tro­n­is­chen Geschäftsverkehr und sei zudem mit der Grun­drechtechar­ta der EU unvereinbar:

On those grounds, the Court (Third Cham­ber) here­by rules:

read togeth­er and con­strued in the light of the require­ments stem­ming from the pro­tec­tion of the applic­a­ble fun­da­men­tal rights, must be inter­pret­ed as pre­clud­ing an injunc­tion made against an inter­net ser­vice provider which requires it to install a sys­tem for filtering

  • all elec­tron­ic com­mu­ni­ca­tions pass­ing via its ser­vices, in par­tic­u­lar those involv­ing the use of peer-to-peer software;
  • which applies indis­crim­i­nate­ly to all its customers;
  • as a pre­ven­tive measure;
  • exclu­sive­ly at its expense; and
  • for an unlim­it­ed period,

which is capa­ble of iden­ti­fy­ing on that provider’s net­work the move­ment of elec­tron­ic files con­tain­ing a musi­cal, cin­e­mato­graph­ic or audio-visu­al work in respect of which the appli­cant claims to hold intel­lec­tu­al-prop­er­ty rights, with a view to block­ing the trans­fer of files the shar­ing of which infringes copyright.